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Medicines Policy

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

As a parent you have prime responsibility for your child’s health and you should provide my setting with all information about your child’s medical condition, along with details from their GP or paediatrician.


Prescribed Medicines


Medicines should only be brought into setting when essential, that is where it would be detrimental your child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the setting ‘day’.  I will only accept medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist.  Medicines should always be provided in the original container/packaging as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the issuers instructions for administration.


I will never accept medicines that have been taken out of the container/packaging as originally dispensed nor make changes to dosages on parental instructions.


It is helpful, where clinically appropriate, if medicines are prescribed in dose frequencies which enable it to be taken outside the setting ‘day’.  Could you ask the issuer about this please.  It is noted that medicines that need to be taken three times a day, may be able to be taken in the morning, after setting and at bedtime.


The Medicines Standard of the National Service Framework (NSF) for children recommends that a range of options are explored including:


  • Issuers consider the use of medicines which need to be administered only once or twice a day (where appropriate) for children so they can be taken at home.


  • Issuers consider providing two prescriptions, where appropriate and practicable, for a child’s medicine: one for home and one for use in the setting, avoiding the need for repackaging or relabelling of medicines by parents.  This also over comes the problem of what to do if the medicine has been forgotten either end of the day.


Controlled Drugs


The supply, possession and administration of some medicines are controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act and its associated regulations.  Some may be prescribed for use by children e.g. Methamphetamine.  I will administer a controlled drug to your child when prescribed, in accordance with the issuer's instructions.  All controlled drugs will be kept in a locked non-portable container.  A record will be kept for audit and safety purposes.


Disposal of Medicines


I will not dispose of medicines.


Parents are responsible for ensuring that date expired medicines are returned to a pharmacy for safe disposal.  They should also collect all medicines held if taking a break.


Changes to Prescription


It is a parent's responsibly to provide details of changes to prescription or support required for their child.




If your child needs an inhaler could you ask your GP to prescribe an extra one to be held in the setting?


 Points to note:

  • I hold a current paediatric first aid certificate.

  • Parents, as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996, include any person who is not a parent of a child, but has parental responsibility for or care of a child.


Refusing Medicines


If your child refuses to take their medicines, they will not be forced to do so, but it will be noted in the records and I will follow procedures you have requested.  You will be informed the same day of the refusal.  It will be discussed and records made in your child’s health care plan.


Illness and Medicines Procedure


As a childcare provider, I will ensure that I implement an effective procedure to meet the individual needs of your child when administering medicines.   In order to achieve this, I will do the following:


I will keep a written record of your child’s need for medication and ask you to update it regularly.


I will keep written records of all medicines administered to your child in my care.  This will include the date, time and dosage.  You will be asked for written permission prior to each particular medication being given.  


I will store all medicines safely and strictly in accordance with the product instructions and in the original container in which it was dispensed.  When storing medicines, they will be clearly marked with your child's name, dose and frequency of dose.  All medicines are stored at the correct temperature.  Medicines that need to be stored in the fridge will be stored in an airtight container.


If the administration of prescription medicine requires technical/medical knowledge then I will attend training from a qualified health professional, specific to your child.


I will only administer non-prescription medication such as pain and fever relief with previous written consent and only when there is a health reason to do so.


I will never administer medicines containing aspirin unless they have been prescribed by a doctor.


If your child has long-term medical needs, I will ensure that I and any co-workers have sufficient information about your child’s medical condition and will work in partnership with you and any other health professionals to assist the administration of any prescribed medication and the management of any other health needs such as a gastronomy tube.

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