Health and Safety Policy

Under the EU Food Hygiene Regulations, I am registered with my Local Environmental Health Department.
It is my policy to promote and ensure the good health and safety of all children in my care in line with the requirements laid out in the EYFS 2024, and Health and Safety Executive.
How I put this into practice:
Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment
In order to ensure your child’s safety in my setting I have a range of safety equipment which is regularly checked to ensure it is in good repair.
My smoke alarms are tested weekly and fire drills are carried out and recorded. I have a fire blanket in my kitchen and I practice my emergency evacuation procedure with the children.
My premises are secure to ensure your child’s safety and prevent intruders, and I have a procedure for checking the identity of visitors.
I have a risk assessment policy that details how I manage and assess risk and an outings policy that details my procedure whilst away from the setting.
All equipment used in my childminding business is regularly checked for damage and wear and tear and replaced when necessary, for example high chairs, buggies, cots.
Safe sleeping and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI)
I follow all advice from the Lullaby Trust. I lie babies/children on their back, keep the sleep space cear, use a firm, flat, waterproof mattress; the sleep area is always free from smoke, I avoid overheating by keeping the room the room temperature between 16-20 degrees C. I check all sleeping children regularly. All hair clips and hair bands are removed from sleeping children as they are a choking hazard.
My car is regularly serviced, has an up to date MOT and insured for business use.
All car seats are checked regularly and used correctly in accordance with seat belt regulations.
I hold a current local authority approved paediatric first aid certificate.
I hold a Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering.
I will help your child learn about good hygiene by promoting regular hand washing. I always wash my hands before preparing food, eating or feeding others (children and babies). I always wash my hands after using the toilet, changing nappies, cleaning the kitchen or bathroom, preparing food (especially raw meat), disposing of rubbish and wiping babies’ and children’s’ noses (and blowing my own nose).
When providing meals and snacks children are encouraged to make healthy choices and the benefits of an active lifestyle are promoted, e.g. access to outdoor play daily.
I am registered with my local environmental health department, and ensure correct storage, hygiene of food preparation areas and preparation of food. I complete The Local Authority Food Agencies food safety system.
All areas accessible to your child including toys and equipment are regularly cleaned.
Kitchen Hygiene
I cover cuts and grazes with waterproof plasters.
I wipe the lids of tins before opening.
I wash tin openers after use.
I wash boards and knives with hot soapy water after use and use different boards and knives for raw and cooked food.
I replace dishcloths frequently or wash by soaking in a mild disinfectant.
I keep work surfaces clean using hot soapy water and rinse them well. Food preparations area and the children’s tables are cleaned using an anti-bacterial spray.
I do not sneeze or cough over food.
I do not smoke.
I do not provide food or use food that is past its ‘use by’ date within the setting. Tinned goods will be used before their ‘Best Before date’.
I do not store perishable food at room temperature.
There will be no animals in the setting.
Preventing the spread of infectious diseases
Your child will have their own towel which is washed at the end of each session.
Your child will have their own sheets and bedding that is washed weekly.
I immediately clean up any spillage of body fluids using: a disposable cloth, apron and gloves.