With all children now fully settled into Spring Term and enjoying some of our new activities such as our fun sound discrimination games, with themes such as weather, animals and habitats, journeys and music, there is so much more to come.
Celebrations will include: Chinese and Lunar New Year, Burn's Night, Tu B'Shevat, St Valentine's Day, Maha Shivaratri, St David's Day, Purim, Holi, St Patrick's Day and Mother's Day. We will look at how children and their families celebrate these special events and there will be special activities including makes and bakes.
We will mark other events including: National Storytelling Week and the NSPCC Number Day early February, the Fairtrade Fortnight, Shrove Tuesday and World Book Day in March.
We will learn about keeping healthy and safe through songs, movement activities, stories, games and outings, as we mark National Obesity Awareness Week in January, National Tooth Ache Day in February, Safer Internet Day in February, Nutrition and Hydration Week in March, and World Oral Health Day as the term comes to an end.
Nature adventures to local woodlands, parks and not forgetting visits to Kingston Lacy will inspire our investigations into how Spring affects British plants and animals.
It is so lovely when children bring in photos from home, games or stories linked to our themes, so could you chat to your little one and see what they might like to bring in.
Thank you.