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Bullying Policy

Image by Roman Kraft

From a very early age, it is important to teach children that we are all different with different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, which need to be treated with respect, and that it’s good to be different.  In the setting, through role play and rhymes, we have opportunities to understand how it feels and how important it is to belong to a group.  The emphasis is always on positive behaviour, but I show through role play or by using our persona doll ‘Elmo’  how it makes somebody feel, such as sadness and fear, when somebody is unkind to them.  The children learn to recognise common forms of unkindness and bullying such as name calling, leaving people out of play, intimidation or being hit, pushed, pulled, pinched or kicked.  We concentrate on the word fairness, and emphasis that we are always kind to the people around us. 

BCP provide parents with lots of useful information and advice on bullying:

BCP family information directory

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